Book Streaming
A revolutionary platform where writers earn 80% of revenue through automated, transparent payments. Read unlimited books while ensuring creators get fairly compensated for their work.
How It Works
For Readers
Subscribe monthly or pay-per-read. Every page view is tracked and compensated, ensuring your subscription directly supports the authors you enjoy. No hidden algorithms or corporate middlemen.
For Writers
Earn 80% of generated revenue, with automated weekly payments. Get detailed analytics about your readership and real-time earnings tracking. Automated plagiarism protection keeps your work safe.
Why Choose Book Streaming
Fair Compensation
80% revenue share for writers, paid weekly through automated systems. No more waiting for quarterly reports or complex royalty calculations.
Content Protection
AI-powered plagiarism detection protects original work. Automated verification system ensures content authenticity.
Complete Transparency
Every read and payment is recorded and verifiable. Real-time earnings dashboard for writers.
Reader Freedom
Choose between unlimited subscription or pay-per-read. Your money goes directly to the writers you actually read.
Coming Soon
We're building a fairer future for digital publishing.